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2017 - 2018


Nancy Chen Long

Nancy Chen Long is a 2017 National Endowment of the Arts Creative Writing fellow. Her first book Light into Bodies (University of Tampa Press, 2017) won the Tampa Review Prize for Poetry. Recent work can be found in Ninth Letter, Crab Orchard Review, Zone 3, Briar Cliff Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Pleiades, Not Like the Rest of Us: An Anthology of Contemporary Indiana Writers, and elsewhere. She has a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering Technology and an MBA, worked as an electrical engineer, software consultant, and project manager, and more recently earned an MFA. She lives in south-central Indiana with her husband and works in Research Technologies at Indiana University.

May Yang

May Yang is an artist and poet hailing from California's Central Valley. They are the author of To Whitey and the Cracker Jack, winner of the 2016 Robert Dana Prize for Poetry (Anhinga Press, 2017).For this debut collection, Yang performs under the persona HAUNTIE. Their current work explores the lived intimacy of embodied memory and intergenerational trauma in the aftermath of the U.S. Secret War. Their poetry is featured in the Academy of American Poets, and they are an active member of the Hmong American Writers' Circle. Yang received a B.A. from the University of California, San Diego in Visual Arts Studio and Ethnic Studies, and is currently on their way to perform research on the role of Hmong shaman episteme in the West.


Erika Meitner

Erika Meitner is the author of Inventory at the All-Night Drugstore (Anhinga Press, 2003), Makeshift Instructions for Vigilant Girls (Anhinga Press, 2011), and Ideal Cities (Harper Perennial, 2010), which was a 2009 National Poetry series winner. Her fourth book of poems, Copia, was published by BOA Editions in 2014. Meitner’s poems have been anthologized widely, and have appeared in Ploughshares, Virginia Quarterly Review, The New York Times Magazine, The New Republic, Tin House, and elsewhere. She has received fellowships from the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Blue Mountain Center, and The MacDowell Colony, and she was a 2014-15 US-UK Fulbright Scholar in Creative Writing at the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry at Queen’s University Belfast. Meitner is currently an associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, where she directs the MFA program in Creative Writing.

Cary Holladay

Cary Holladay is the author of seven volumes of fiction. She finds inspiration in the history, culture, and folklore of her native Virginia and the South. Her awards include fellowships from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the Tennessee Arts Commission, and the National Endowment for the Arts. She won an O. Henry Prize for “Merry-Go-Sorry,” a story about the West Memphis Three.

Cary has won 11 national fiction competitions, including two for book manuscripts—the Miami U of Ohio Novella Prize for A Fight in the Doctor’s Office and Ohio State University’s Prize in Short Fiction for The Deer in the Mirror.

Her work has appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Ecotone, Epoch, Five Points, The Georgia Review, Glimmer Train, The Hudson Review, Oxford American, Prairie Schooner, Shenandoah, The Sewanee Review, The Southern Review, Tin House, and elsewhere. Best American Short Stories has short-listed six of her stories.

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